• Procedure

    Go to the contact page and submit your name, email or phone number.
    We will contact you to schedule a consult in Amsterdam. (this will take about an hour)


    For this consult we will be needing all of the content you would like to display on your website, because we will be creating a concept design.


    - The company logo.
    - What colors you would like to use throughout the website.
    - What would you like to display on the website.
    - What email address should be used for your customers to contact.
    - Take your company's credentials like KVK NR and BTW NR if needed.

    Whenever we're done we sign-off on this concept design.
    The delivery date is determined as soon as we confirm to have received all of the content and payment.
    Our goal is to deliver this website on a monday within 14 days from the acceptance date.